Students and Personal Electronic Devices

Personal electronic devices have become a common means of communication and information access in today’s society. However, these devices have the potential of disrupting the orderly operation of the District’s schools. The District has adopted this policy to govern the possession and use of personal electronic devices on school premises. For the purposes of this policy, “personal electronic device” means a privately owned device that is used for audio, video, text or other electronic communication or any other type of computer-like instrument.

Personal electronic devices may include but are not limited to:

  • Existing and emerging mobile communication systems and smart technologies (cell phone, iPhone, Smartphone, internet-enabled phone, etc.)
  • Personal Digital Assistants (Palm organizers, pocket PCs, etc.)
  • Handheld entertainment systems (video games, CD players, compact DVD players, MP3 players, iPods, earphones, etc.)
  • Portable internet devices (mobile messengers, iPads, etc.)
  • Current or emerging wireless handheld technologies or portable information technology systems that can be used for word processing, wireless internet access, image capture/recording, sound recording, and information transmitting/receiving/storing, etc.

The Board acknowledges that personal electronic devices can be a positive means to facilitate communication; however, the display and/or use of such devices can cause disruption to the education process. Therefore, to prevent such disruption, the display and/or use by students of personal electronic devices shall be prohibited from the time students arrive at school until the end of the regular school day. Such devices must be turned off and stored out of sight during this time period.

Students are responsible for the security of personal electronic devices brought to school. The District is not responsible for stolen, lost, damaged or the unauthorized use of personal electronic devices. Further, the District is not liable to any student or his/her parent/guardian for any claims, losses, damages, suits, expenses or costs of any kind arising out of or related to the use or possession of a student’s personal electronic device.

In emergency situations, exceptions to the above prohibition of the use of personal electronic devices may be granted by teachers or administrators.

Limited Use in School for Educational Purposes

The Board of Education recognizes that there are personal electronic devices that have educational applications. These devices shall be allowed to be used in classrooms only when they are included as part of a lesson under the direction of a teacher. The District will not be liable for any damages, expenses or costs associated with the student’s use of a personal electronic device to access the District’s computer network.

Cellular Telephones and Testing

In order to ensure the integrity of testing, in accordance with state guidelines, students are not allowed to bring cell phones or other electronic devices into classrooms or other exam locations during all testing. The exception to this policy is if a teacher gives specific permission for a cell phone or other electronic device to be used during a classroom, non-state assessment.

Test proctors, monitors and school officials shall have the right to collect cell phones and other prohibited electronic devices prior to the start of the test and to hold them for the duration of the test taking time. Admission to the test will be prohibited to any student who has a cell phone or other electronic device in their possession and does not relinquish it.

Students with individualized education plans (IEPs), 504 Plans, or documentation from a medical practitioner that specifically requires the use of an electronic device may do so as specified.


Any violation of this policy or the misuse of any personal electronic devices will be referred to the District administration and violations may subject students to disciplinary action, as set forth in the Code of Conduct. In addition to potential disciplinary action, a student who violates this policy may have their personal electronic device confiscated until the parent/guardian retrieves the device, as outlined in the Code of Conduct. If applicable, violations of this policy may be referred to law enforcement. The District will cooperate with law enforcement officials as appropriate.