Tri-Valley Food Services Professionals Attend Conference Focused on the Power of Food and the Impact of Healthy Eating for Students

At the end of August, staff from our food services department gathered with other food services professionals from throughout Sullivan County for a two day conference at the Michael Ritchie Big Barn. During these two days, they heard the message of the power of food from The Center for Discovery’s Department of Nourishment Arts, were certified in Serv Safe by SUNY Sullivan and participated in hands on food preparation led by Lennox Hill Teaching Kitchen.

Staff engaged in discussions and hands on learning exploring how by cooking from scratch (with whole, fresh ingredients), school food programs can provide delicious, nutritious meals for students.

The conference was presented by the School Nutrition Action Coalition, a network of organizations and Sullivan County schools working together to bring 2 free, healthy, plant slant meals for every student, every day in Sullivan County schools.
