The Business Office, under the supervision of the Assistant Superintendent for Business and Finance, is responsible for accounting, auditing, benefits coordination, capital projects coordination, contract negotiations, facility use, the district census, payroll, purchasing, records management and safety planning. One of the office’s most important functions is the development the proposed school budget for the consideration of the Board of Education and district voters.
School Tax Bills
The 2024-25 school tax bills will be mailed on or about September 1, 2024. If you do not receive your tax bill please call (845) 985-2296 ext. 5203
NOTE: In person payments now at Wayne Bank, 1972 NY RT 52, Liberty, NY
The 2025-26 District Budget
The Annual Budget Hearing will take place on Tuesday, May 6, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. in the Secondary School Lower Level Collaboration Center.
Personal Voter Registration will take place on Wednesday, May 7, 2025 and Thursday, May 8, 2025 from 4:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. , both days, in the District Office.
The vote on the Tri-Valley Central School District budget will take place between 1:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 20, 2025 in Secondary School Main Downstairs Gymnasium.
More details will be provided as they are available.
School Budget Development
Public schools are among the most significant investments that any community makes collectively. District leaders work to make the most effective use of resources to benefit students, to develop and manage the budget in a responsible and transparent manner, and to be accountable to taxpayers. Each spring the Board of Education adopts a budget for the coming school year for a community vote. District expenses may include salaries and benefits, curriculum, staff development, facilities maintenance and operation, transportation and debt service. Revenue includes state funding, federal funding, property taxes and appropriated fund balance.
Everything You Need to Know About School Budgets in 60 Seconds
In New York, school leaders begin developing their school budget proposal long before the public vote in May. Each budget proposal is unique, but the planning process is similar for most schools.
School Tax Information
Tax rates for each municipality within the district are set in August and are based on the tax levy for the year and final municipal assessments for each of the towns. Tax rates vary between towns because property in each is assessed at different levels in relation to full market value. The state assigns each town an equalization rate to fairly divide the tax. The district does not control any aspect of the assessment or equalization process.
STAR (School Tax Relief Program)
STAR is the New York State School Tax Relief program that provides an exemption from school property taxes for owner-occupied, primary residences. For more information about STAR, you can visit this site. If you have difficulty accessing any budget, tax or financial documents or any other documents on this website, please email Samantha Damms or call (845) 985-2296 ext. 5202 and they will be provided in an alternate format.