Emergency Learning Plan Letter to Families

March 10th, 2023 Dear Tri-Valley Families, As you may be aware, we have exhausted our allotted snow days for the 22-23 school year and will be switching to an Emergency Learning Plan (ELP) should we need to close school at any time during the remainder of this school year. Partnering with our stakeholders, we have …

Students Visit SUNY Sullivan’s Solar Farm & Geothermal Pumphouse

  Students from Mr. Pekny’s Power & Energy and Practical Engineering class took a field trip to SUNY Sullivan to check out the Solar Farm and the Geothermal Pumphouse. The group consisted of 13 students from 9th-12th grade. Students were able to learn about sustainable engineering and green power and energy systems that have been …

Way to Go 7th and 8th Grade Students!

  On Friday, February 10th, a special ceremony was held at Tri-Valley Central School for 7th and 8th grade students. The assembly, put on by the 7th and 8th grade teachers, recognized students for achieving Perfect Attendance, Honor Roll, High Honor Roll, and Principal’s Honor Roll for the first quarter. Special awards were also given …

Health Screenings for Students Entering Pre-K, Kindergarten, Grades 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 & 11

The Tri-Valley Nursing Department will be holding screenings for students entering Pre K, Kindergarten, and Grades 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11. The screenings will be held in the nurse’s office from February 21st, 2023 through March 9th, 2023. Please contact the Nursing Department if you have any questions or concerns. School Nurses Barbara …

Way to Go 7th and 8th Grade Students!

  On Tuesday, November 22, a special ceremony was held at Tri-Valley Central School for 7th and 8th grade students. The assembly, put on by the 7th and 8th grade teachers, recognized students for achieving Perfect Attendance, Honor Roll, High Honor Roll, and Principal’s Honor Roll for the first quarter. Special awards were also given …

Tri-Valley Providing Student Transportation to Special Events

The Tri-Valley CSD is pleased to announce that transportation is available for selected school sanctioned special events.  Students can take advantage of bus service to and from events, as long as they have a signed permission slip from their parents/guardians.  Permission slips are available in the main offices of each building. The next special event …

Tri-Valley’s Battle of the Books Team Wins Second Place at Regional Battle of the Books Tournament

  On Sunday our Battle of the Books team—representing the Daniel Pierce Library—took part in the Regional Battle of the Books tournament that’s put on annually by the Ramapo Catskill Library System. The tournament took place at Orange County Community College. Students had to read nine books over the summer, all from different genres. They …

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