Strategic Plan

Goal 1: Student Achievement | Goal 2: Communications | Goal 3: Operations and Budget | Goal 4: Maintain a Safe and Healthy Learning Environment

Tri-Valley CSD Strategic Plan 2016 -19

The Tri-Valley Central School District is committed to graduating men and women who respect themselves and contribute positively to the world around them by:

  • Maintaining healthy habits
  • Committing to being active members in the community through different activities/organizations
  • Gaining and applying knowledge from the arts and sciences
  • Maintaining an ongoing interest in acquiring new knowledge throughout life
  • Being logical and creative problem solvers
  • Communicating effectively through both the written and spoken word
  • Participating confidently in athletic, artistic, and/or intellectual pursuits
  • Utilizing technology and media responsibly
  • Demonstrating empathy – and respecting cultures and beliefs of others

Board Goal # 1: Student Achievement

The District will demonstrate improved student achievement toward higher academic performance as evidenced by multiple measures focused on individual student growth and maximizing potential. A challenging academic environment will be sustained for all students.

Subcommittee Working Definition of Board Goal # 1: An “excellent education” involves:

  • A focus on the “whole child” from pre-school to graduation. An appropriate balance between the tracking of individual student progress and adherence to objective academic standards
  •  An informed understanding of the difference between “standards” and “curriculum” by stakeholders
  • The adoption of a variety of measures that represent an indication of “student success”


The Academic Subcommittee gathered results from seven demographic groups: students in grades K-12, parents of students in grades PreK-12, teachers, retired teachers, alumni, administrators, and local business leaders and professionals. We used various means, including hard copy and digital surveys, brainstorming meetings, and dialogue.

Group Representation: Students (K-12): 620, Teachers: 50, Administrators: 1, Parents: 38, Alumni: 44, Local Business Leaders/Professionals: 15


The Academic Subcommittee synthesized the survey results, summarized the comments into five priority areas, and developed action points based on the feedback received:

  • School Philosophy
  • Curriculum
  • Character Development
  • Special Services
  • Stability

School Philosophy

To make a public commitment to our community’s children by defining ourselves as a district that advocates strongly for what is developmentally appropriate and educationally sound

Action Point: Philosophy of Education

The committee recommends that the School Board define, adopt, and articulate to all stakeholders a district-wide “philosophy of education.”

Recommendations for Consideration

It is clear that the community desires the following aspects to be district-wide priorities:

Support whole-child education, with numerous and varied opportunities for experiential learning to support the development of multiple intelligences.

  • Acknowledge the benefits of play to children’s intellectual, physical, and social development and well-being by restoring play-based curriculum to Pre-K and Kindergarten, and by providing adequate time for recess to the school day.
  • Acknowledge the negative effects of a school culture that relies almost exclusively on test-driven data as its primary measurement of student/teacher success. Restore balance regarding measurement of student and teacher success by formulating and adopting a resolution similar to what other concerned districts are adopting across NYS (ex. Eldred Central School, see document at
  • Support an emphasis on differentiated instruction, with a particular statement encouraging classroom and specials teachers to “practice their art,” to enjoy shared decision-making regarding curriculum, and to work collaboratively on interdisciplinary teams comprised of both tenured and non-tenured/ experienced and new educators.

Action Point: Monitoring Progress

This action point is measurable in two ways:
1. In one year’s time, has the Board of Education defined and adopted a district-wide philosophy of education that takes into account the philosophy of its stakeholders?
2. In one year’s time, has the Board of Education effectively publicized its philosophy of education to students, parents/guardians, teachers, support staff, administration, and the larger community through all means necessary?
Curriculum: To make a commitment to integrate as much developmentally-appropriate, hands on learning methods into the classroom curriculum as possible; and, to address areas of weakness within a three-year period.

Action Point: Three-Year Plan

The committee recommends that the Board develop a three-year action plan to address the following items the community perceives as curriculum weaknesses.

Recommendations for Consideration

  • Make a financial commitment and work collaboratively with the PTO and other community groups, so that each grade level experiences one of each of the following every year, during the school day, including but not limited to:
    • Field Trip (not necessarily aligned with Common Core standards), and
    • Assembly on Science and/or History, and
    • Fine Arts Assembly by Outside Performer(s)
  • Round out all curriculum by looking beyond the confines of Engage NY through various means, including but not limited to:
    • Re-integrating dedicated study periods for project-based Science and Social Studies into the daytime elementary school curriculum.
    • Making a financial commitment to make it possible for teachers to expand use of experimentation, centers, manipulatives, and creative projects.
  • Continue to support and expand upon college-level coursework, as well as Industrial Tech and Ag Science programs (green tech, floral design, metal and woodshop, trade-skills classes)
  • Make a financial commitment to support the Fine Arts, including but not limited to:
    • Restoring a dedicated period for chorus and band in the elementary school
    • Initiate String Program
    • Offering additional arts electives such as Music Theory.
  • Reinforce commitment to literacy by hiring Reading Specialists for grades K-12.
  • Support cursive instruction to the elementary school curriculum, grades 3-6
  • Foreign Language: provide additional language alternatives to Spanish, and/or introduce Spanish in elementary school.
  • Realign 7th grade schedule with rest of secondary school and return to Spanish and/or insert Character Ed/Life Skills.

Monitoring Progress

In one, two, and three years’ time, has the district moved toward
integrating as much developmentally appropriate, hands on learning methods into the curriculum as possible by addressing the areas defined as weaknesses?

Action Point: Character Development

Recognizing that character formation is a significant aspect of maturity that yields fruitful results in interpersonal relationships and successful job acquisition and retention, make a commitment to continually expand opportunities for student character development.

The committee recommends that the Board develop a three-year action plan to expand the District’s Character Development initiative by implementing some of the following suggestions.

  • Commit financial resources to make it possible for students in Pre-K through 6 to go on “Know Your Community” Field Trips, in which students meet the people in their neighborhood who provide valuable services and resources. (Ex. Daniel Pierce Library, Time and the Valleys Museum, Post Office, Fire Department/Rescue Squad, Frost Valley YMCA, etc.)
  • Modify and/or develop school policies and procedures to create and nurture opportunities for bonding among peers and teachers via various avenues, including recess, lunch and
    teacher-to-student mentoring opportunities. (Ex. Allow students to visit with teachers, enact an open door policy.)
  • Implement shared decision-making among administration, teachers, and paraprofessionals regarding student retention in grades PreK-8, in order to build a strong academic foundation for High School and engage teacher mentoring.
  • Continue to foster the development of character through life skills, study skills, social skills, and leadership training.
  • Continue to support extra-curricular organizations and activities.
  • Commit financial resources to form clubs for grades 4-6 (Ex. Art Club, Debate Team, STEAM Club)

Monitoring Progress

In one, two, and three years’ time, has the district steadily moved toward
expanding opportunities for character development by implementing any of the suggested action points?

Action Point: Special Services

Make a commitment to provide unique services that support student success. The committee recommends that the Board develop a three-year action plan to provide unique opportunities to enhance student success by implementing some of following suggestions.

Recommendations for Consideration

  • Commit resources to provide for day-long, open access to school libraries (for TV students and homeschool students).
  • Sponsor a “Course Offering Fair” for students and their families to raise awareness of the electives and course offerings available to students.
  • Publish and advertise our course and extracurricular offerings online, so students and families are clearly aware of all options.
  • Provide networking opportunities with the local community, including but not limited to:
    • Hosting an annual “Why Should We Hire You” Workshop
    • Hosting a “Meet the Pros Assemblies” for Middle/Junior/ High School students, during which students meet and greet business leaders and professionals from various fields, and have them speak about what they look for in new hires.
    • Establishing an internship program with local businesses/professionals (or an internship within the school, similar to Monticello).
    • Creating a platform to adequately advertise local job opportunities to high school students and graduates.

Monitoring Progress

In one, two, and three years’ time, has the district moved toward
providing unique services that support student success by implementing any of the suggested action points.

Action Point: Stability

Recognizing the negative effects of large-scale transitions of the educational landscape on the local, state and federal level, make a commitment to stabilizing the Tri-Valley academic environment as much as possible.

The committee recommends that the Board develop a three-year action plan to stabilize the local academic landscape by implementing the following suggestions:

Recommendations for Consideration

  • Strive to achieve balance in hiring practices, including but not limited to the following:
    • Acknowledge the long-term economic benefits hiring local teachers and staff.
    • Commit to transparency when advertising open positions by publishing notices in The Townsman, The Democrat, the Shawangunk Journal, and on the Tri-Valley School website and Facebook page.
    • Grant Tri-Valley alumni the right to receive an interview, due consideration, and professional advice, if applicable.
  • In assigning teachers, keep teachers in their area of specialty and interest and grant them
    long-term stability, to the extent possible. Moving them from position to position heightens
    instability, which in turn affects the academic environment.
  • To the extent possible, avoid the frequent changing of curriculum over short periods of time.

Monitoring Progress

In one, two, and three years’ time, has the district moved toward
stabilizing the local educational landscape by implementing any of the suggested action points?

Board Goal #2: Communications

Communication will advance success of all students by facilitating
collaboration between all members of the Tri-Valley CSD community.

Subcommittee’s working definition of Board Goal #2: Student success will be supported via positive, effective communication by all stakeholders (school and community) using multiple tools.


The Communication Subcommittee gathered results from four demographic groups: administration, board members, staff and community members. We used multiple means to gather information including: hard copy and digital surveys, attending school events to capture input from community members, using Survey Monkey to post the survey for widest exposure.


The Communication Subcommittee summarized responses into four priority areas, and developed action points based on the feedback received.

  • Variety of methods to communicate
  • Update website
  • Professional development
  • Improve overall communication and school climate

Recommendations for consideration:

All stakeholders (students, parents, teaching staff, support staff, administration, clubs, sports teams, Board of Ed., community) will use multiple methods to engage in two way communications. These methods may include web pages, monthly newsletters, emails, flyers, phone calls, face to face conversations, snail mail, TV Facebook page, Twitter, etc. When surveyed, the top 4 ways people felt were the best ways to communicate were: texting, email, TVCSD website, letters, and Facebook page.

Monitoring progress

  • Survey stakeholders within the span of this plan to gain feedback on improved communication
  • Informal monthly meetings with staff, administration, and board members – attendance monitored for number of attendees


Recommendation for Consideration:

  • Hire IT/PR person to develop a current, user friendly website (including an all-inclusive district calendar).
  • Development of procedures for information to be included in website, disseminated to outside sources (newspaper, radio, electronic sign, etc.)

Monitoring progress

  • Track traffic using website tool – 4x/year
  •  Monitor use of website feedback and questions tab/link
    Professional Development: The district will implement a plan to deliver professional development opportunities in the area of communication for staff and administration. Recommendations for Consideration: 1. Professional development in building communication between staff and administration (i.e., team building training at Frost Valley or have an outside consultant on site). 2. Increased time for in-house communication: staff meetings, extended days, and conference days, common grade level planning time, and scheduling of a building.
  • Professional development opportunities need to be practical, student oriented, and utilize teacher/staff input.
  • Professional Development Team will meet per Board policy – #9700
  • Follow up surveys after completion of professional development on building communication
  • Agendas supplied before staff meetings/extended days/conference days to focus discussion
  • Documentation of professional development opportunities and attendance
  • Publicize all professional development opportunities to the entire district to allow people to attend

    Action Point: Communication and Climate

    The district will develop means to ensure that communication and climate within the district will improve. Below are areas that are identified as priority areas:

    • Develop an environment that promotes open communication without judgment, mutual trust and respect among all stakeholders
    • Maintain timely responses to all communications
    • Develop community outreach (bbq, fair, carnival, etc.)

    Monitor progress

    • Survey within the span of this plan to capture feedback on improved communication
    • Monitor attendance at school events

    Board Goal #3: Operations and Budget

    Tri-Valley’s operations and budget will be structured to support the instructional program and District goals, reflecting the academic and financial values of the community. This goal will be considered upon review of the information contained in the other sections of this document as well as other criteria requiring District planning.

    Board Goal #4: Safe and Healthy Learning Environment

    The District will maintain a safe and healthy learning environment for all students and staff

    Subcommittee Working Definition of Board Goal #4: Tri-Valley School District should pride themselves by taking a proactive approach addressing safety and providing a healthy learning environment for all staff and students.


    The Health and Safety subcommittee gathered results from multiple demographic groups including: Secondary School students in grades 7-12, teachers and support staff in the Secondary and Elementary Schools, community members (bus drivers, law enforcement officers, business owners, clergy, medical professions, retired Tri-Valley teachers, alumni and students). Various means were used to capture feedback including confidential surveys and Town Hall style meetings.


    After reviewing the Town Hall and Survey results, the Subcommittee on Health and Safety summarized the feedback into the top five priorities and developed action points for each.

    • Drug Prevention;
    • Social and behavioral support for all Students;
    • Training for Support Staff;
    • Cleanliness of the school (both Elementary and Secondary School);
    • Ventilation of the school (both Elementary and Secondary School).

    Drug Prevention

    Recommendations for consideration:
    • Creation of a community/school task force to regularly review reports of
      violence/referrals within the School District to come up with resolutions or
      recommendations to prevent similar incidents from reoccurring within the school.
    • The presence of professional staff, administration or trained personnel(NYS Police,  Other law enforcement trained personal) in hallways/bathrooms in order to monitor behaviors related to the presence of drugs in the buildings.

    Social Behavioral Support for Students

    Recommendations for consideration
    • Employ a social worker, K-12
    • Add social skills curriculum to the courses presently offered to both Elementary and Secondary students and should be required for graduation

    Staff Training

    Recommendations for consideration:
    • Maintain ongoing training for all personnel regarding working with students – specifically related to how to communicate with and discipline students respectfully.
    • All substitute teachers and aides should receive ongoing training in the areas of positive behavior management.
    • Support staff will have a liaison mentor staff assigned to them
    • Professional Development
      • Team building seminars both on and off site (i.e. Frost Valley)
      • Motivational positive speakers/ health coaches to address all staff at start the school year and periodically throughout.
      • Staff health days allowing choices of healthy workshops
      • Positive morale boosting school sponsored social events for staff (i.e., staff barbecue, quarterly staff breakfast)
      • The emotional health of District staff should be a priority of the District
      • Stress reduction training

    School Cleanliness

    Action Points: The school needs to be disinfected daily.

    Recommendations for Consideration:

    • Hire additional janitorial staff.
    • Classrooms should be equipped with cleaning materials (approved by the State) for teachers to use.
    • Hand washing should be a priority for ALL staff and students. A hand washing procedure should be implemented at the following times: upon children entering school daily, after gym classes, before eating meals/snacks and washing basins be installed the cafeterias.

    Ventilation of School

    Action Point: The District needs improved ventilation within classrooms
    Recommendations for Consideration:

    • Provide and install fans in classrooms
    • Install screens in all classroom windows to regulate the temperatures
    • Address/update the overall ventilation especially where there is no window access/ventilation (i.e., Elementary School Cafeteria, Hill)

    Monitoring Progress

    Survey stakeholders over three years using multiple measures. Possible measures are suggested below:

    • Confidential surveys to staff and students
    • Community survey using Survey Monkey
    • Town Hall meetings
    • Suggestion boxes in ES and SS Principals’ Offices

    Narrative to Support Action Points and Progress Monitors


    Survey results showed a concern about student safety among students. A majority of the Secondary School students reported fears of being pressured in the school hallways to purchase drugs and, most specifically, in the bathrooms. The presence of staff during classroom passing time may quell the fears of our students.
    The survey indicated that students do not feel physically safe in the school environment during school hours. The Health and Safety Committee suggests based on the recommendations of the community, and more specifically, the students of the District, that Tri-Valley School District employ OR work with the New York State Police or similar law enforcement agency to hire an Officer or similarly trained person to work within the school, educate students and/or discipline students when needed. The community also suggested either the employment of a law enforcement person OR hiring security to patrol the halls during school hours (i.e bringing more “red shirts” back during school hours).
    The survey results suggested the need for a task fouce composed of students, staff and members of the community. The goal of the task force would be to brainstorm solutions for the district related to drug prevention as well as to develop recommendations to reduce referrals and violence in the school.


    The Committee suggests that the Board of Tri-Valley School District consider employing a social worker, starting at the Elementary School level. A number of students surveyed stated that they do not feel they have a staff member they trust to confide in. The social worker’s role is one of bonding and getting to know and work with families and students over time which would ultimately aim to develop that trust. The survey results supported the social worker as a link for character education, drug avoidance as part of the social skills curriculum component. A Social Worker has the ability to work with families both inside the confines of the school building as well as working with families of the District after regular school hours.


    Survey responses reported by the students, parents, staff and community, strongly recommend that Tri-Valley School District should only hire trained personnel to work with the students. All personnel should be properly trained to regarding how to speak to and discipline students respectfully. All substitute teachers and aides should also receive training in the areas of positive discipline and behavior management. Such trainings are highly recommended to continue throughout the school year (recommended quarterly). The Board should require all support staff to have a staff liaison or mentor assigned (i.e. support staff, aides, cafeteria employees and bus drivers).
    The emotional health of our teachers should be a priority of the District. Teaching staff should attend team building seminars which should take place off school grounds which will allow for teachers to be in a more relaxed environment.


    Based on the information reported and collected from the surveys and discussions with the community and staff, it has been noted that the community as a whole believes that the school needs to take more action in disinfecting the school daily. Tri Valley should hire additional janitorial staff for the Elementary and Secondary Schools.
    The Committee reports that the community does not believe that the cleanliness of the classrooms has been a priority of the District, as such, the spread of germs and illness has been rampant in the past. All classrooms should be equipped with cleaning materials (approved by the State) so that teachers have ready and available access to cleaning their classrooms when they feel it is needed.
    Surveys suggest that hand washing should be a priority for ALL staff and students. A hand washing policy should be implemented immediately upon children entering into the school daily, after gym classes and before eating any meals/snacks. Hand washing basins should be installed and used regularly in the cafeterias in the District which will combat some of the germs/illness.


    Surveys indicate the school lacks appropriate ventilation within the classrooms. The Committee recommends that the District review and consider providing enhanced ventilation to keep classrooms at a safe and comfortable temperature throughout the school year.
    It was reported consistently throughout the surveys that the classrooms are either extremely hot, or cold. Circulating air in the room could also help with the cleanliness of the classroom and spread of germs as indicated above.
    Tri-Valley should address/update the overall ventilation within the School District to provide more comfortable temperatures throughout the District, especially in spaces such as the Elementary School Cafeteria and Hill where there is no window access/ventilation.