Updated February 2021
Required Courses
Regents Diploma
- English: 4
- Social Studies: 4
- Math: 3
- Science: 3
- Language other than English: 1
- Art/Music: 1
- Health: .5
- Physical Education: 2
- Electives: 3.5+
- TOTAL: 22+
Advanced Designation Regents Diploma
- English: 4
- Social Studies: 4
- Math: 3
- Science: 3
- Language other than English: 3
- Art/Music: 1
- Health: .5
- Physical Education: 2
- Electives: 3.5+
- TOTAL: 22+
Students are required to have completed one unit of credit in foreign language by the end of their freshman year or pass the New York State Proficiency Exam.
An integrated course in mathematics/science/technology may be used as the third required unit of credit in mathematics or science
Required Exams
Regents Diploma
- CC English Language Arts Regents
- CC Algebra I Regents
- Global Studies Regents
- U.S. History Regents
- 1 Science Regents, either Living Environment, Earth Science, Physics or Chemistry
Advanced Regents Diploma
- CC English Language Arts Regents
- CC Algebra, CC Geometry, CC Algebra II Regents
- Global Studies Exam Regents Exam
- U.S. History Regents
- Two Science Regents, from Living Environment, Earth Science, Physics or
- Chemistry
- Regents Foreign Language (Students acquiring 5 units of credit in Art, Music, Business, Technology, Family Consumer Science or Vocational Education may be exempt.)
Minimum Regents Exams Scores Required for a Traditional Regents Diploma
- Number of Regents to be Taken: 5
- Minimum Score Needed on all: 65 percent
New York State now provides additional pathways for students to earn their NYS Regents Diploma or a local diploma. “Multiple pathways recognize the importance of engaging students in rigorous and relevant academic programs.” In general, students must pass 4 required Regents exams plus 1 pathway – specific assessment.
For more information, please speak with your guidance Counselor or visit:
For diploma options and safety nets for students with disabilities, please contact your child’s guidance counselor.
Tri-Valley Graduation Requirements also include:
- Keyboarding – Computer Apps. & Computer Related Course: 1 Credit