Secondary School Student Parent Handbook

(Updated October 2023)

The Tri-Valley Secondary School Student Parent Handbook is designed to provide you with necessary information related to district policy, procedures, expectations and information specific to the Secondary School. A copy of the handbook is given to every student at the beginning of each school year. Copies are also available at the Secondary School office.

A printer friendly copy of the 2023-24 TVSS Student Parent Handbook is available here.

Click to go directly to a section of the TVSS Student Handbook

School and Bell Schedules | After School Regulations | Student Progress Reports | Parent Conferences | Attendance | Academic Program and Guidance Related Information | Behavior, Expectations, and Discipline | Daily School Procedures and Management

Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year! We have all experienced change in our lives and this year is no different. Change means that there is the possibility of being better than we were and this is our focus at the Tri-Valley Secondary School this year. Our primary goal is student success, achievement, and being the best version of ourselves as much as possible. Our students will be given the opportunity to achieve at high levels and are expected to meet building-wide and classroom expectations. Our priority is ensuring a safe, inclusive, learning environment for all students, faculty, and staff. Here at Tri-Valley Secondary School, we C.A.R.E. This means that we are all about Community, Accountability, Respect, and Education. These principles will guide our actions and decisions. These principles show that we will not tolerate harassment, bullying (including cyber-bullying), or any other action that infringes on someone’s well-being. It takes a community to raise a child, especially in this day and age. Each student, parent/guardian, and community member, contributes to our goal of being the best version of ourselves. We hope you will join us in accomplishing this task as we all work together to facilitate this change in our school for the better.

This handbook is designed to provide you with necessary information related to district policy, procedures, expectations and information specific to the Secondary School. In attempting to resolve any school related issue, we ask that you follow the chain-of-command. If you have any questions regarding school programs, please see your guidance counselor. Classroom related questions and concerns should be directed to the classroom teacher. Questions regarding building-wide policy and procedures should be directed to the Assistant Principal or the Principal. Please refer to our district website if you would like further information regarding district policies and regulations, such as Code of Conduct, Acceptable Use Policy, Harassment and other Board of Education policies. Please note that the rules and procedures set forth in this handbook may evolve due to changing health and safety concerns. Should that happen, students and parents will be notified of the changes.

If you have any further questions about any information contained in this handbook, please contact the high school main office.

Amanda L. Eberly
(845) 985-2296 ext. 5302

James Fantini
Assistant Principal
(845) 985-2296 ext. 5304


  • The academic school day begins at 8 a.m. and ends at 2:46 p.m. Students may not enter the school building before 7:30 a.m.
  • Secondary students must attend at least 5 ½ hours of school each day, exclusive of their lunch period. We follow a 6-day cycle (A through F days). The academic school day is comprised of 9 periods, as follows:

Daily Bell Schedule (Grades 7-12):

  • 7:20 – 7:40 a.m.
    • Student Drop-off Arrival
  • 7:40 – 7:50 a.m.
    • Bus Arrival
  • 8 – 8:03 a.m.
    • Morning Announcements
  • 8:03 – 8:45 a.m.
    • Period 1
  • 8:48 – 9:30 a.m.
    • Period 2
  • 9:33 – 10:15 a.m.
    • Period 3
  • 10:18 – 11 a.m.
    • Period 4
  • 11:03 – 11:45 a.m.
    • Period 5 (Grade 7 and Grade 8 Lunch)
  • 11:48 – 12:30 p.m.
    • Period 6
  • 12:33 – 1:15 p.m.
    • Period 7 (HS Lunch)
  • 1:18 – 2 p.m.
    • Period 8
  • 2:03 –2:04 p.m.
    • Afternoon Announcements
  • 2:04 – 2:46 p.m.
    • Period 9
  • 2:46 p.m.
    • Bus/Student Driver Dismissal
  • 2:50 p.m.
    • Student Pick-up/Dismissal

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After School Regulations

  • Students are NOT permitted to be in the building after 2:55 p.m. unless they are under the DIRECT supervision of a teacher/advisor, coach or staff member.
  • Students are NOT allowed in any locker room, practice area, or classroom unless they are under direct supervision of their teacher/advisor, coach or staff member; before, during, or after the activity. After the activity/practice, students must be in the locker room, in the front of the school, or in the Physical Education (PE) hallway, while waiting for transportation. All other areas of the school are off-limits.
  • All students are to report to their assigned areas by 2:55 p.m. Athletes who are staying after school for practice, are to report to their locker rooms. Those students involved in class or club meetings must report to the designated activity room.
  • Those found in the halls without passes, after that time, will be sent to the office and will be required to remain there until bus dismissal at 5 p.m.
  • Students who stay after school for extra help and are taking the 4 p.m. or 5 p.m. bus home, must have a bus pass from the teacher/advisor or staff member or be a student-athlete. Please do not ask the office staff to issue bus passes.
  • Students who do not follow these rules will be subject to administrative disciplinary consequences, which may include suspension from all after-school activities/sports.
  • Any student found loitering within the school building or on school grounds may be subject to disciplinary consequences up to and including being arrested for trespassing. Any student wandering the halls will be considered loitering.

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Student Progress Reports

First Marking Period | September 7, 2023 – November 9, 2023

  • Interim Progress Ends
    • Friday, October 6, 2023
  • Interim Progress Reports Due
    • Thursday, October 12, 2023
  • End First Marking Period
    • Thursday, November 9, 2023
  • IEP Progress Reports & Grades Due
    • Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Second Marking Period | November 10, 2023 – January 30, 2023

  • Warning Period Ends
    • Wednesday, December 20, 2022
  • Interim Progress Reports Due
    • Wednesday, December 20, 2023
  • End Second Marking Period
    • Friday, January 30, 2023
  • IEP Progress Reports & Grades Due
    • Tuesday, January 30, 2023
  • Regents Exams
    • Tuesday, January 23, 2024 – Friday, January 26, 2024
  • Fall Semester Ends
    • Tuesday, January 30, 2024
  • Spring Semester Begins
    • Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Third Marking Period | January 31, 2024 – April 12, 2024

  • Warning Period Ends
    • Wednesday, February 28, 2024
  • Interim Progress Reports Due
    • Wednesday, March 6, 2024
  • End Third Marking Period
    • Friday, April 12, 2024
  • IEP Progress Reports & Grades Due
    • Thursday, April 18, 2024

Fourth Marking Period | April 15, 2024 – June 26, 2024

  • Warning Period Ends
    • Wednesday, May 8, 2024
  • Interim Progress Reports Due
    • Thursday, May 16, 2024
  • End Fourth Marking Period
    • Wednesday, June 26, 2024
  • IEP Progress Reports & Grades Due
    • Friday, June 28, 2024

Regents Exams | Friday, June 14, 2024 – Tuesday, June 25, 2024

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Parent Conferences

Scheduled parent-teacher conferences are an important element in reporting student progress to parents. Parent-teacher conferences will be held Thursday, November 16, 2023, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Parent-teacher conferences by appointment- Parents should feel free to request a conference with their child’s teacher(s). Parents may initiate a conference by calling the guidance office and speaking with their child’s school counselor. When a parent/guardian requests a conference with a teacher(s), the teacher(s) will make every effort to arrange a mutually convenient time. Such conferences will be planned around the teacher’s schedule so as not to interfere with class time. Generally, when 2 or more teachers are involved the conference time will be at 2:45 p.m.

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Tri-Valley Secondary School recognizes that regular attendance is a prerequisite for satisfactory academic performance in the classroom. The importance of punctuality and regular attendance for every student cannot be over-emphasized. Students are expected to be in attendance and on-time every day throughout the school year. The entire process of education requires regular continuity of instruction and classroom participation in learning experiences.

Compulsory Attendance

The New York State Education Department mandates that all students must be in attendance through the last day of the school year in which they turn 16, or receive a high school diploma. Parents/Guardians bear the responsibility to make sure any students of compulsory school age are enrolled, attending school and receiving full-time instruction.


The Board of Education recognizes the following reasons for student absences from class or school: personal illness, illness or death in the family, impassable roads or weather, religious observance, quarantine, required court appearances, attendance at health clinics, approved college visits, approved cooperative work programs, military obligations, or such other reasons as may be approved by the appropriate building administrator (including, but not limited to, absences due to circumstances related to homelessness). Absences for any other reason are considered unexcused.

It is the parent’s responsibility to notify the school office within 24 hours of the absence to provide a written excuse upon the student’s return to school. This excuse should contain the reason and date of the absence, and be presented to the attendance office. Please use the following email address to send attendance notes or dial extension 5100, if you wish to leave a message regarding your child’s attendance. For homeless students, the homeless liaison will assist the student in providing or obtaining documentation if needed

Chronically Absent Students

Any student who is absent 10% or more, will be deemed to be chronically absent. Per the NYS Education Department, names of students who are chronically absent are submitted to SED. Districts are responsible for creating a student plan to address and to reduce absences.

Late Arrival/Tardy to School

When a student arrives at school late, after 8 a.m., they must report to the Attendance Officer, Ms. Angela Mueller. Students should have a note from their parent/guardian addressing why they are late to school. Each student must sign in and obtain a pass to class. Any student who fails to follow this procedure will be counted as absent and subject to disciplinary consequences. 


Lateness to school shall be deemed as an infraction and the following range of interventions will apply: 

    1. Three (3) times late to school prompts a warning letter home. 
    2. Six (6) times late to school results in after-school detention or lunch detention. 
    3. Each three (3) additional occurrences may result in after-school detention or lunch detention.
    4. Continual lateness to school may result in disciplinary action per Code of Conduct. 

Infractions for lateness due to personal illness, illness or death in the family, impassable roads or weather making travel unsafe, religious observance, attendance at a medical clinic (doctor, dentist, etc.), school sponsored trips (approved), quarantine, and required court appearances are excused with a parental note, received in a timely manner.

Early Dismissal Procedures-leaving the Building

    1. All notes to leave early must be given to the secondary office before 1st period and must explain the reason for the dismissal. All notes must be verified via a telephone call to a parent before early release is allowed. During the school day, no student is allowed to leave the school grounds without a note or special permission from the Principal. If a student leaves the grounds without permission he/she becomes truant and is subject to the laws governing truancy
    2. All students must sign out at the front desk before leaving the building.
    3. Students may not sign out of school early because they have afternoon study hall(s). Also, students may not sign into school late because they have a first period study hall.
    4. Students will only be dismissed early for doctors’ appointments, appearances in court, family emergencies, etc. Students will not be allowed early release to go home for lunch or to avoid classes or study halls. Students will also not be allowed to leave early on a regular basis unless approved by the Principal. 

Early Dismissal | 12th Grade Students

On the recommendation of the guidance counselor and the Principal, and subject to the approval of the Superintendent, 12th grade students who have fulfilled all academic requirements and are not academically ineligible may be dismissed prior to the regularly scheduled end of the day in order to:

    • Attend college courses or
    • Appear for employment which has been verified by school authorities

Prior approval for such early dismissal shall be based upon written parental permission and for good and sufficient cause. It is further understood that the school district will in no way be responsible for the transportation of the students dismissed early. Early work dismissal forms are available in the Secondary Guidance Office. 


Any student who is illegally absent from school or leaves school without permission is considered truant and will be disciplined as per the school discipline code. Leaving the building without permission for any reason is considered truancy. Students who arrive at school but do not attend homeroom or leave the premises will also be considered truant. Under the guidelines of New York State Law, it is mandatory that all students attend school. All students with an excused absence are expected upon their return to consult with their teachers regarding missed work.

Only those students with excused absences will be given the opportunity to make up a test or other missed work and/or turn in a late assignment for inclusion in their final grade. Make-up opportunities must be completed by a date specified by the student’s teacher for the class in question.

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Academic Program and Guidance Related Information

Graduation Requirements

Graduation requirements are determined by the year in which the student enters the ninth grade. Students seeking to complete diploma requirements in less than four years shall be subject to the diploma requirements applicable to a student who first entered grade 9 four years prior to the school year in which the diploma is to be awarded. A student graduating at the end of the fall semester shall be subject to the graduation requirements in effect for the preceding school year. A student who takes more than four years to earn a diploma is subject to the requirements that apply to the year that student entered grade nine.

In addition to the testing requirements students must pass all the required courses and earn at least 22 course credits.

Tri-Valley Graduation Requirements (Minimum)

Required (Core) Subjects

    • Local Diploma: 4 units
    • Regents Diploma: 4 units
    • Advanced Regents Diploma: 4 units
Social Studies
    • Local Diploma: 4 units
    • Regents Diploma: 4 units
    • Advanced Regents Diploma: 4 units
    • Local Diploma: 3 units
    • Regents Diploma: 3 units
    • Advanced Regents Diploma: 3 units
    • Local Diploma: 3 units
    • Regents Diploma: 3 units
    • Advanced Regents Diploma: 3 units
Second Language
    • Local Diploma: 1 unit
    • Regents Diploma: 1 unit *
    • Advanced Regents Diploma: 3 units *

*This requirement may be waived with a 5 unit sequence in Art or Occ. Ed.

    • Local Diploma: 1/2 unit
    • Regents Diploma: 1/2 unit
    • Advanced Regents Diploma: 1/2 unit
Art and/or music
    • Local Diploma: 1 unit
    • Regents Diploma: 1 unit
    • Advanced Regents Diploma: 1 unit
    Computer APPS
      • Local Diploma: 1 unit
      • Regents Diploma: 1 unit
      • Advanced Regents Diploma: 1 unit
    Career & Finance Management Electives
      • Local Diploma: 2 1/2 units
      • Regents Diploma: 2 1/2 units
      • Advanced Regents Diploma: 1/2 unit
      Physical Education
        • Local Diploma: 2 units
        • Regents Diploma: 2 units
        • Advanced Regents Diploma: 2 units
        • Local Diploma: 22 units
        • Regents Diploma: 22 units
        • Advanced Regents Diploma: 22 units

      New York State Diploma/Credential Requirements

      There are several types of diplomas available to our students. The following outlines the diplomas currently in effect. The information is intended to provide an overview of the requirements and identify the student populations that have access to each type of diploma.

      Non-Diploma High School Exiting Credentials

      Alternative Ways of Earning Credit

      Eligible students have the option of earning up to 6 1/2 credits without completing specific courses of study. However, the school must determine that this alternative will benefit the student academically. This may be done as follows:

        1. The student achieves 85% or better on state-developed (e.g., Regents exams or state-approved exams) or passes an oral examination and completes a special project assigned by the principal.
        2. In the areas of science and occupation education, where credit is through examination, laboratory requirements will be met through special projects demonstrating appropriate skills.
        3. Art and music credit may be earned through participation in a performing group (e.g., band, chorus, orchestra, dance group, theater group, etc.) or by participating in advanced, out-of-school art or music activity as approved by the district.
        4. Students who pass a second language proficiency exam will earn the first unit of credit in that language, unless they have already earned that credit through course work in grade eight or nine.

      Students considering these options should consult with their guidance counselor and obtain prior written approval for this option. Students will be awarded approved credit for courses when they meet the test requirements and/or satisfactorily complete the project as assigned by the Principal. The student’s transcript will list the course, the credit, and will have a “P” for passing. Courses completed in this manner will not be included in the student’s GPA calculation.


      Students, primarily seniors, may be provided the opportunity to take non-required or elective courses on an audit or a pass/fail basis with the permission of the subject area teacher, the parent, and the Principal. Students may not elect either the audit or pass/fail option for any course required for graduation or sequence. No more than one course may be taken for audit or pass/fail at one time. A student who successfully completes a pass/fail class will be granted the appropriate course credit and a “P” will be indicated on the student’s transcript. A student who does not successfully complete a pass/fail class will receive no credit and an “F” will be placed on transcript and will not be able to make the honor roll for that making period. Courses taken on a pass/fail basis will not be averaged into a student’s GPA. No credit is awarded for courses taken as an audit.

      BOCES (Vo-Tech/Career Technical Education)

        1. Students who are interested in attending BOCES Vo-Tech programs must generally have junior year standing. They need to be in good academic standing (be on track for all their HS graduation credit requirements) and/or principal determination.
        2. During the students’ sophomore year they will have an opportunity to visit Vo-Tech programs to help in planning their junior year and determining their interests/selecting a program
        3. Students going to Vo-Tech are to remain in class until 11. At that time they will be released to go to lunch before taking the bus to BOCES.
        4. No student may drive to or from BOCES unless given written permission from both schools. In those instances where driving to or from BOCES has been granted, the student driver is prohibited from transporting other students to and from BOCES. Students who drive that violate this policy will lose their driving privileges and will be assigned in-school detention. Passengers in a student’s car who ride with a student without permission will also be assigned in-school detention.
        5. Students must enter the Secondary School Building immediately after exiting the bus. Students are not to go to the parking lots without permission from the Principal.
        6. On half day conferences students will still attend their afternoon BOCES programs. The district will provide transportation back to our home district or directly to the student’s home.

      College Visitations

      Juniors/Seniors who plan to visit a college during the school day should follow the procedure listed below:

        1. Bring a note to the attendance office from your parents in advance stating the day you will be absent for your college visit.
        2. Inform your teachers of your absence and reason. You are responsible for making-up any missed work.
        3. Bring a note from the college(s) that you visited to the attendance office stating that you did visit on that day. Most colleges have pre-printed cards for this purpose.

      If you have any questions, please see your guidance counselor.

      Confinement Instruction

      Students confined to a professional facility (ex. hospital, care facility, jail, or youth facility, etc.) for an extended period of time may be eligible for facility operated academic instruction. In these instances, the guidance counselor will consult with the facility to establish appropriate academic arrangements between the facility and the homeschool on a case by case basis.

      Course Scheduling/”Doubling”

      The following regulations regarding scheduling are based upon a known probability of success for students who have a double scheduled academic course. The regulations are developed on the basis that the district will continue to offer support to students who have failed courses. 

        1. A student enrolled in Grade 9, 10, and 11
          • May not be simultaneously scheduled in two consecutive courses in English, Social Studies, Mathematics, or Science.
          • May not be simultaneously scheduled in any other courses that are sequential in nature, or any course for which a prerequisite would normally be required.
        2. A student enrolled in Grade 12 may be simultaneously enrolled in two English and/or Social Studies courses upon approval of the Principal.
        3. No student may be enrolled in triple programs simultaneously.
        4. Any exceptions to the above must be approved by the Principal.

          Course Withdrawal

          All students are required to carry a minimum of six credits plus physical education annually. The only exceptions to this minimum are for approved work study (seniors only), approved early dismissal (seniors only) or Principal decision. 

            1. DROP WITHOUT ADDING: Students may drop an elective course, without adding another, as long as the six minimum credits are maintained. Required or sequence courses may only be dropped after written recommendations on the advisability of the change are received from parents and teachers.
            2. ADD/DROP: Students will be permitted to drop a course and add a new course within the first six weeks of a full year course or within the first three weeks of a half-year course. When adding a course, all missed work must be made up. Teacher approval is required.
            3. ADD ONLY: Students wishing to add an elective course, beyond the six required credits, may do so, however, additions may only be made within the first six weeks of a full year course, or during the first three weeks of a half year course. Teacher approval is required.
            4. ACADEMIC RECORD NOTATIONS: Full year courses dropped within the first six weeks will not be noted on the transcript. Half year courses dropped within the first three weeks of school will not be noted as on the transcript. Dropping a course after the six week or three week deadline will have “Withdraw” listed on the transcript.

          Any exception to the above deadlines requires a formal review and must be approved by the Principal and guidance counselor.


          The Passing Grade at Tri-Valley Schools is 65%

          At the beginning of each course, the classroom teacher will provide students and parents with a detailed outline of class expectations and grading procedures including:

            • specific course requirements required to pass or attend summer school
            • value of specific course activities and how grades are calculated
          1. Grading, Minimum – A student’s actual grade will appear on their progress report. As per BOE policy, grades below 50 will not appear on the report card. A comment stating the actual grade will be added. When computing report card and final course averages, any grade below 50 will be averaged in as a 50 except for final exam grades.
          2. Mid-term Grades – Each course is expected to give a mid-term examination, generally given in January. Mid-term grades will be averaged into the second quarter grades.
          3. Final Grades – The expectation is that each course will have a final examination or final project that is averaged into the students’ overall final grade. Failure to take a final examination or turn-in a final project may result in the student failing the course and students will not qualify to attend summer school for that course. Exceptions: Teacher approved performance exemptions and documented medical emergencies.
            • Half Year Courses: Each quarterly grade is counted twice, the final exam once, and the total is then divided by five to arrive at the final course average
            • Full Year Courses: Each quarterly grade is counted once, the final exam once, and the total then divided by five to arrive at the final course average.


          Parents/Guardians, students and the school share the responsibility for student learning. Homework is essential to help students develop independent skills for completing work outside of the classroom as well as giving students opportunity to practice/reinforce skills. Parents/Guardians can assist their child(ren) with homework by:

            • providing a study area free of distractions and with good lighting
            • asking questions about the content of student homework
            • giving requested assistance, but letting the student do his or her own work
            • avoiding undue pressure
            • helping to create a “homework habit,” at the same time each night

          Parental involvement in students’ homework is essential to making homework an integral part of the educational program Parents should encourage and monitor homework assignments.

          Students may be assigned homework per class each night. If a student feels that he or she has an excessive amount of or too little homework per week, a conference with the guidance counselor is suggested.

          All homework assignments will be graded and counted towards each student’s quarterly grade.

          Honor Rolls

          Honor Roll: Students in grades 7 – 12 with an overall average of 84.5 – 89.4 for a marking period are placed on the honor roll. A student receiving any failing grade for the marking period will not be eligible for honor roll.

          High Honor Roll: Students in grades 7 – 12 with an overall average of 89.5 and above, for a marking period, are placed on the high honor roll. A student receiving any failing grade for the marking period will not be eligible for high honor roll.

          Principal’s honor Roll: Students in grades 7-12 with an overall average of 94.5 and above will be placed on the principal’s honor roll. A student receiving any failing grade or a grade of less than 90 for the marking period will not be eligible for Principal’s honor roll. 

          Math & Science Acceleration Criteria Grades 7-8 (Effective 2018-19)

          Criteria to begin Acceleration program in Grade 7

          Successful acceleration depends on a strong academic foundation and a strong work ethic which includes: use of extra help opportunities, independence in accomplishing tasks, recognizing and seeking assistance as needed and consistently completing assignments outside of the classroom (homework). Strong family support is important to each student’s progress and success. The Accelerated program is a rigorous and demanding academic program During the 7th grade year, students will be provided with the equivalent of two years of instruction, covering grade 7 and grade 8 curriculum, in one school year.

          Students must meet the following criteria to be considered for acceleration in Math and Science in Grade 7. Accepted students can take Math and/or Science accelerated classes. No one measure, in isolation, determines student eligibility. Multiple measures are used to determine eligibility and participation in the program In considering each student, we want to have a comprehensive picture of his/her abilities, knowledge and potential for success within this rigorous and demanding academic program The following measures will be taken into consideration when determining acceptance into the accelerated program:

            1. Academic: The student must show a record of consistent academic growth and achievement commencing in the Fall of grade 4 through Spring of grade 6, as evidenced by the following data:
              1. NWEA/MAP: (See MAP “Student Profile” Report) The average of all MAP Math Growth test results for grades 4-6 is the 78th percentile or higher
                1. The MAP Math Growth test results at the end of grade 6 is the 78th percentile or higher (See NWEA Research studies, Normative Data).
                2. The average of the MAP ELA Growth test results for grades 4-6 is the 70th percentile or higher.
            2. New York State Testing: Students are highly encouraged to take the New York State Assessments. (Note: The rigors of the 3-8 state testing helps to prepare students for New York State Regents testing at the high school level as well as provide student specific data. Students in the accelerated program will be required to take the Algebra Common Core and Living Environment exams at the end of the 8th grade). The New York State Testing program results for Math, ELA, and Science assessments in grades 4 and 5 must meet or exceed proficiency (Level 3).
              1. Classroom Grades: Throughout the 6th grade year, students must maintain a grade in Math, Science and ELA of 90% or higher grade average and an average of 90% or higher on unit assessments and mid-term and final exams.
            3. Attendance: Attendance is a critical factor due to the pace of instruction and curricular demands. Students must maintain a 95% or higher attendance rate (9 or fewer absences per year). If a student does not meet the 95% attendance rate, absences must be documented as legal. The nature and pattern of absences will be taken into account, as well as looking at the student’s 4th and 5th grade attendance record.
            4. Discipline: A review of the student’s discipline history will be taken into account, especially where discipline interferes with classroom instruction and learning.
            5. Teacher/Team Recommendations: The teacher/team will make a recommendation for each student to participate in the accelerated program In addition to the above criteria, the teacher/team will take the following into account for each student in making a recommendation:
              1. Response to classroom instruction and demonstrated proficiency/mastery of related skills and knowledge.
              2. Social-Emotional maturity: ability to handle classroom demands, academic rigors and academic requirements of the accelerated program This includes the student’s work ethic, level of independence and completion of work, including homework, outside of the classroom/school day.
            6. Final Determination: Upon the teacher/team making a recommendation, ultimately, the parent(s) and student make the determination of whether the student will participate in the accelerated program for math and/or science.
            7. Parental/Guardian Appeal: Absent a teacher/team recommendation for a student’s participation in the accelerated program, the parent(s) may appeal the decision to the Secondary Principal. The Secondary Principal and/or the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction and Curriculum will meet with the teacher/team to gain understanding and insight into their determination. The Principal and/or Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction will meet with the parent(s) and the student for further consideration. An interview with the student, related to academic readiness and the academic rigors and demands of the accelerated program, will be conducted to assess the student’s willingness, aptitude and abilities to meet the challenges of the program the Principal will make the final determination.
            8. Criteria for Continuation during Grade 7: Students must meet the following criteria during Grade 7 to remain in the accelerated program.
              1. Attendance is a critical factor due to the pace of instruction and curricular demands. Students must maintain a 95% or higher period (math and/or science) attendance rate.
              2. Students must maintain a 90% average in both Math and Science at each marking period.
              3. Students must achieve an 85% on a mid-year benchmark assessment.
            9. Options for Students not Meeting Criteria within Grade 7
              1. Students whose average is less than 90% in a single quarter for either math or science will be on “probation” for the accelerated program If the student’s average continues to be less than 90% in the following quarter, the student may be transferred to the non-accelerated Grade 7 math and science classes at the end of the second consecutive quarter with an average less than 90%. If the lower grades first occur during the 3rd quarter, the student may remain in the class for the remainder of the year. Student’s participation in Regents level classes, as an 8th grade student, will be further considered.
              2. Students achieving 78% to 84% on the mid-year benchmark assessment may stay in the accelerated program, in agreement with the parent(s)/guardian, for the remainder of the year. However, they will not automatically continue with acceleration in 8th grade.
              3. Students achieving less than 78% on the mid-year benchmark assessment will either be transferred to a non-accelerated (regular grade 7 class) at mid-year, or may stay in in the accelerated program, in agreement with the parent(s)/guardian, for the remainder of the year with the understanding that they will not continue with acceleration in 8th grade.
            10. Criteria for Continuation of Acceleration in Grade 8: Grade 8 accelerated students will take the New York State Regents Algebra I Common Core exam and Regents Living Environment exam Students must meet the following criteria in Grade 7 to continue acceleration in Grade 8.
              1. Attendance is a critical factor due to the pace of instruction and curricular demands. Students must maintain a 95% or higher period (math and/or science) attendance rate (9 or fewer absences per year). If a student does not meet the 95% period attendance rate, absences must be documented as legal. The nature and pattern of absences will be taken into account, as well as looking at the student’s overall daily attendance rate and 6th grade attendance record.
              2. The student’s Spring MAP Math Growth RIT score at the end of grade 7 must be at or above the 78th percentile and within the average RIT band range for 8th grade spring results. (See MAP Growth norms tables).
              3. The student must achieve a minimum of 80% on the end of year final exam to continue onto Regents Algebra and Regents Living Environment.
              4. Students will take the New York State grade 8 Intermediate Science assessment at the end of grade 7.
              5. Students will take the New York State grade 8 math assessment at the end of grade 7, in lieu of taking the 7th grade state assessment in math.
            11. Criteria for Continuation during Grade 8: Students must meet the following criteria during Grade 8 to remain in Algebra I and Living Environment in Grade 8.
              1. Attendance is a critical factor due to the pace of instruction and curricular demands. Students must maintain a 95% or higher (math and/or science) attendance rate.
              2. Students must maintain an 88% average in both Math and Science at each marking period. Students whose average is less than 88% in a single quarter for either math or science will be on “probation” for the accelerated program If the student’s average is less than 88% in the following quarter, the student may be transferred to the non-accelerated Grade 8 math and science classes.
              3. Students must achieve an 85% on a mid-year benchmark assessment.
            12. Options for Students not Meeting Criteria within Grade 8
              1. Students whose average is less than 88% in a single quarter for either math or science will be on “probation” for the accelerated program If the student’s average continues to be less than 88% in the following quarter, the student may be transferred to the non-accelerated Grade 8 math and/or science classes at the end of the second quarter.
              2. Students achieving 78% to 84% on the mid-year benchmark assessment may, in agreement with the parent(s)/guardian, stay in the accelerated program Students remaining in the accelerated program through the end of their 8th grade year will be expected to take the corresponding New York State Regents exam: Algebra I Common Core and/or Living Environment.
              3.  Students achieving less than 78% on the mid-year benchmark assessment will either be transferred to a non-accelerated (regular grade 8 class) at mid-year, or may, in agreement with the parent(s)/guardian, stay in the class. Students remaining in the accelerated program through the end of their 8th grade year will be expected to take the corresponding New York State Regents exam: Algebra I Common Core and/or Living Environment.
            13. Eighth-grade Accelerated program Year-end Assessments: for students who remain in the Accelerated program for the school year:
              1. In science, students will take the New York State Regents Living Environment exam
              2. In math, students will take the New York State Algebra I Common Core exam

          The Regents exams will count as the student’s final exam for the course. The score will be averaged into the student’s overall average for the course/final grade.

          Honors: English and Social Studies Grade 9 & 10

          To be considered for either Honors English and/or Social Studies, students need to meet all of the following criteria:

            1. Students must maintain a 92% average in 8th grade English and Social Studies, separately, to be considered for English and/or Social Studies Honors classes in grade 9.
            2. Each candidate must write an essay that will be scored using the NYS rubric. The student must achieve a three (3) or above.
            3. Students must meet both criteria as outlined in 1 & 2 to be placed in Honors in grade 9.

          Students not in grade 9 Honors will be eligible to enter honors English and /or Social Studies in grade 10 by maintaining an overall average of 92% in grade 9 English and/or Social Studies and completing an essay scored with the NYS rubric. The student must achieve a three (3) or above.

          To remain in Honors Classes, students must maintain an overall average of 92% for the year in the honors class.

           National Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society

          The purpose of the Ronech Chapter of the National Honor Society and Ronech Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society shall be to create an enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote worthy leadership, and to encourage the development of character in students of Tri-Valley Central School.

            1. Membership: Membership in these chapters is an honor bestowed upon deserving students, based on the criteria of scholarship, service, leadership, and character.
              1. National Honor Society: Students will become eligible for membership at the end of the second marking period of their sophomore year. If a student meets the academic requirements at that time but are not selected for membership, the student may reapply after the second marking period of their junior year, if they remain academically eligible.
              2.  Junior National Honor Society: Students will become eligible for membership at the end of the second marking period of their seventh (7th ) grade year. If a student meets the academic requirements at that time but are not selected for membership, the student may reapply after the second marking period of their eighth (8 th) grade year, if they remain academically eligible.
            1. Eligibility
              1. Candidates eligible for selection to the National Honor Society chapter must be members of the sophomore or junior class.
              2. Candidates eligible for selection to the Junior National Honor Society chapter must be members of the seventh (7th ) grade or eighth (8th ) grade class.
              3. To be eligible for selection to membership in this chapter, the candidate must have been enrolled for a period equivalent to one semester at Tri-Valley Secondary School.
              4. Candidates eligible for election to the chapter shall have a minimum cumulative weighted average of 90.0. (Averages between 89.50 and 89.99 do not count — no rounding up).
              5. Upon meeting the grade level, enrollment, and GPA standards, candidates shall then be considered based on their service, leadership, and character.
            2. Selection of Members
              1. The selection of members to this chapter shall be by a majority vote of the faculty council, which consists of five faculty members appointed by the principal. The chapter adviser shall be the sixth, non-voting, ex officio member of the faculty council.
              2. The selection of active members shall be held once a year during the second semester of the school year.
              3. Prior to the final selection, the following shall occur
                1. Students’ academic records shall be reviewed to determine academic eligibility.
                2. All students who are scholastically eligible (i.e., candidates) shall be notified and asked to complete and submit the candidate information form for further consideration.
                3. The faculty shall be requested to evaluate candidates determined to be scholastically eligible using the official input form provided by the chapter adviser.
                4. The faculty council shall review the candidate information forms, faculty input, and other relevant information to determine those who fully meet the selection criteria for membership.
              4. Candidates become members when inducted at a special ceremony.
              5. An active member of the National Honor Society or Junior National Honor Society who transfers from this school will be given an official letter indicating the status of his/her membership.
              6. An active member of the National Honor Society or Junior National Honor Society who transfers to this school will be automatically accepted for membership in this chapter. The faculty council shall grant to the transferring member one semester to attain the membership requirements and, thereafter, the member must maintain those requirements for this chapter in order to retain his/her membership.
            3. Meetings
              1. Regular meetings of these chapters shall be monthly. Special meetings can be called by the respective chapter president with approval of the adviser.
              2. Members are expected to attend all chapter meetings.
            4. Activities
              1. The NHS and JNHS chapters shall determine one or more service projects each year.
              2. All members shall regularly participate in these projects.
              3. These projects shall have the following characteristics: fulfill a need within the school or community, have the support of administration and the faculty, be appropriate and educationally defensible, and be well-planned, organized, and executed.
              4. Each member shall have the responsibility for choosing and participating in an individual service project that reflects his or her particular talents and interests and is approved by the chapter adviser. This is in addition to the chapter projects to which all members contribute.
              5. The chapters shall publicize and promote its projects in a positive manner.
            5. Privileges: Members of the National Honor Society will be given a membership card which will entitle them to the following privileges:
              1. NHS and NJHS members in good standing are exempted from the hallway pass requirements, but they are not permitted to wander the halls while classes are in session. Members must find a suitable place to be during their free periods: study hall, library, computer labs, or a classroom with teacher’s consent.
              2. NHS and NJHS students may sign out reference material overnight with the approval of the librarian.
              3. With the permission of the teacher, NHS and NJHS members may be permitted to be absent from a regularly scheduled class for such purposes as:
                1. to work on school-related business or projects
                2. to do extra work in the library
                3. to observe another class (permission must be granted from the teacher of the class to be observed)
                4. National Honor Society members (only, not JNHS) may go downtown for lunch, but must observe the following rules:
                  • must have signed permission slip from a parent/guardian filed in the Secondary School Office
                  • must walk to town, driving is not permitted
                  • must return on time for their next class
                  • must sign out and in on a sign-out sheet in the Secondary School Office
                  • may not bring back food and beverages for other students
              4. National Honor Society members (weather permitting and with permission of the teacher) may go outside during study halls.
            6. Member Responsibilities
              1. Each member of this chapter who is in good standing with regard to the membership standards and member obligations shall be granted the privilege to wear the emblem adopted by the National Honor Society.
              2. Any member who withdraws, resigns, or is dismissed from the chapter shall surrender the privilege of wearing the National Honor Society emblem.
              3. Chapter members who are seniors in good standing shall be granted the privilege of wearing the National Honor Society stole at graduation.
              4. Students must maintain the high standards of excellence in scholarship, leadership, service and character.
              5. Members must attend the annual induction ceremony. Students who do not attend and were not excused by the advisors, will not be inducted, pinned, or honored.
              6. Truancy and chronic tardiness (four or more in a marking period) are serious offenses. A National Honor Society member who is truant or chronically tardy from school, risks dismissal.
            7. Discipline and Dismissal of Members
              1. Any member who falls below the standards of scholarship, service, leadership, or character may be considered for discipline or dismissal from the Ronech Chapter of the National Honor Society or Junior National Honor Society. A member of the NHS and NJHS is expected to maintain his/her academic standing and take an active role in service and leadership in his/her school and community.
              2. If a member’s cumulative grade point average falls below 90.0 at the end of a marking period, the member will receive an official letter from the adviser, letting him/her know that he/she has been placed on probation for the next marking period. By the end of that next marking period, the member must raise 22 his/her cumulative average to 90.0. If the member fails to do so, he/she will be dismissed from the NHS or NJHS, and will be notified in writing by the chapter adviser.
              3. Violations of the law or school regulations can result in immediate consideration of the dismissal of a member. These violations include, but are not limited to: DWI/DUI, stealing, destruction of property, cheating, truancy, possession of drugs, selling of drugs, being under the influence of drugs or alcohol at school, school-related activities, or the community.
              4. Offenders of the school conduct code (such as use of profanity, failure to comply, unexcused absences, excessive tardiness, etc.) will receive warning notification. A conference may be requested by either party (faculty council or student/parent.) If the member is involved in another violation of the school conduct code, the member may be considered for dismissal.
                e. Chapter officers, as representatives of the chapter, can be removed from their positions as a consequence of disciplinary action taken by the faculty council.
              5. In all cases of pending dismissal:
                1. The member will receive written notification from the adviser indicating the reason for consideration of dismissal.
                2. The member will be given the opportunity to respond to the charge(s) against him/her at a hearing before the faculty council prior to any vote on dismissal (in accordance with due process identified in Article X of the NHS and NJHS Constitution). The member has the opportunity to present his/her defense either in person or via a written statement presented in lieu of the face-to-face hearing. Following the hearing, the faculty council will then vote on whether to dismiss. A majority vote of the faculty council is needed to dismiss any member.
                3. The results of the faculty council vote will be presented to the principal for review, and then stated in a letter sent to the student and parents. Dismissed members must surrender any membership emblems to the adviser.
                4. The faculty council’s decision may be appealed to the building principal and afterwards according to provisions of the school district discipline policies.
                5. A member who is dismissed or resigns may never again be considered for membership in the National Honor Society.
                6. In lieu of dismissal, the faculty council may impose disciplinary sanctions upon a member as deemed appropriate.

            0. Incompletes

            If a student did not complete all required coursework, or if extraordinary circumstances made it impossible for the student to complete the course requirements for the quarter, the report card will be marked “incomplete.” A one day extension will be granted for each day absent. However, no missed work will be accepted after five weeks. Incompletes not changed will be converted to a failing grade.

            If a student has been in regular attendance and there are no extraordinary circumstances, the student cannot be given an incomplete for missed work. The classroom teacher must give a numerical grade. In lieu of an incomplete, based upon the teacher’s grading policy and rationale, the actual grade and the comment “Grade may be raised if missed work is completed” should be utilized. Only in extenuating circumstances may an incomplete be assigned at the end of the school year and only with the Principal’s approval.

            P. Promotion Policy

              1. Middle School: If a student fails 2 or more core academic subjects for the year, a committee will review the student’s overall academic progress, effort and attendance for the year. The committee will be composed of the Secondary School Administrators, School Counselor and teaching team to make a recommendation for the student to be retained or promoted. The parent/guardian will be notified of the committee’s recommendation. If the parent/ guardian disagrees with the committee’s recommendation he/she may request to meet with the committee to discuss their recommendation. The Principal will be responsible for making a final determination should the parent/guardian still be in disagreement with the committee’s recommendation following the meeting. The parent has the right to appeal the final decision to the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
              2. High School: To insure the orderly and consistent determination of grade placement in the secondary school, the following criteria shall apply:
                1. To be promoted to grade 10, a student will have earned not less than 4.0 Carnegie units. At least three Carnegie units must be in core subjects and the fourth may be an elective subject. A student retained in grade 9 will be scheduled for a complete grade nine program, but not scheduled to repeat courses for which Carnegie unit credit has already been earned.
                2. To be promoted to grade 11, a student must have earned: At least 9.0 Carnegie units. At least 6.0 of the credits must be in core subjects.
                3. To be placed in grade 12, the student must be able to be scheduled for all the courses required for graduation.

            Core Courses: English, Social Studies, Math, Science, and Foreign Language Elective Courses: All other courses

            Retaking Regents exams

            Students who do not receive a passing grade on any Regents exam will be required to retake the exam until obtaining a passing grade or an alternative graduation pathway has been determined. Even though students may receive a passing grade on a Regents exam, they are encouraged to retake Regents exams to obtain a higher score. Any student who opts to retake a Regents exam may do so, at any regular administration date. Upon receiving initial exam results, students must notify the Guidance Office as soon as possible of their intention of retaking the exam Only the highest Regents exam grade will be used in calculating the student’s final average for the respective course. Only the highest Regents test score for each exam will be documented on the student’s permanent transcript.

            Schedule Changes

            All changes in schedules are done through the Guidance Office with a drop/add slip. No change occurs or is official until that slip is signed by the counselor, the teacher, and returned to the guidance office. Changes may occur in early September only if there is satisfaction with timing, curriculum, teachers, guidance staff and administration.

            Summer School

            Students who complete all course requirements, but still have a failing average, are allowed to enroll in an approved summer school program and retake the course providing they meet two of the following three criteria: absent from school less than 20 days, score greater than a 50% on the final exam, and have an actual final grade of greater than 50%.

            The student will receive credit for any summer school course in which he/she receives a passing grade (the passing grade is determined by the summer school site.) Any grade attained in summer school will be averaged into the student’s overall grade point average, along with the initial failing grade.

            Academic/Extracurricular Eligibility

            Satisfactory academic progress is desirable and necessary for participation in ALL extracurricular programs. Extracurricular activities are athletics, clubs, and activities that while adding value to a student’s school experience carry no academic credit. The following academic eligibility code emphasizes cooperation between the student participant, teacher, and advisor/coach.

            To participate in extracurricular activities in the Tri-Valley School District, a student may not fail more than one course. At the end of each eligibility period, grade reports will be run from Schooltool to determine eligibility. Incompletes will be considered as failures until made up. Final grades will be used to determine eligibility for the beginning of the next year; however, summer school grades will be considered.

            Grade reports will run 4 times a quarter, creating eligibility periods that are approximately 2 ½ weeks of academic time. The IPR and report cards will be used to create ineligibility lists. On the dates between those reports, grade runs will be used to remove students from the ineligibility list only. No students are added on these dates.

              Based on current grades at the time of the grade report each student’s academic eligibility for all extracurricular activities will be determined as follows:

              Eligible: Any student who is failing no more than 1 class

                • Student can fully participate in all extracurricular activities
                • Student failing a class is encouraged to seek academic support during study hall, lunch, and/or after school

              Probationary: Any student who is failing 2 or more classes but was eligible during the previous eligibility period (this is a grace period)

                • Students can participate in extracurricular activities provided they attend academic support sessions.
                • Students must get their academic support log signed by a supervising teacher and their advisor/coach each day. This is a probationary student’s ticket into activities.
                • A student on probation may be admitted to practice, meetings, or games provided they are current with their academic support sessions.

              Ineligible: any student who is failing 2 or more classes for the second consecutive eligibility period

                • Students who are ineligible may not participate in contests or attend extracurricular activities.
                • Students must complete the academic support log and attend academic support sessions to retain member status within their team or club.
                • Students may only attend practice/meetings provided they are current with their academic support sessions.
                • Students may arrive at practice/ meetings late after attending an academic support session.
                • Ineligible students may not attend dances or athletic events as spectators.
                • Ineligible students may not leave study hall without a pre-signed pass from a teacher who is providing academic support.
                • Student athletes who are ineligible may not participate in games but are required to attend and support their team, as long as they are not missing time in an academic class.
                • Ineligible students will lose their parking privileges and/or their late arrival/early dismissal privileges.

              Academic Support Sessions

                • Academic support can happen during study hall, lunch or after school (a maximum of one after school session per day) for a total of 8 sessions in an eligibility period.
                • Sessions must last at least 30 minutes.
                • Each session must include tutoring by a teacher, teacher aide, or honor society student.
                • Peer tutoring sessions (with honor society students) must be supervised by a teacher/teacher’s aide who will sign the academic support sheet.
                • Only one session will be counted after school each day, no matter how long it lasts.
                • Students must keep track of their academic support logs and present them to their coach/advisor as their ticket into the activity.
                • A student is considered “not current” with academic support sessions if they owe more than the remaining number of school days left in the eligibility period, for instance if a student has completed 2 out of 8 sessions, 6 sessions remain. If there are only 4 more school days left in the eligibility period (it’s Tuesday and the new list comes out on Monday) the student cannot complete 1 session per day and is in danger of not completing the academic support requirement. That student should not participate in activities or practices without administrative approval.

              Major Events such as the Senior Trip and the Prom:

                • Students attending field trips and extracurricular activities are held to the same academic standards as athletes.
                • Two to three weeks prior to a major event students attending the event will be checked on the eligibility list by the teacher advisor.
                • Students who wish to attend a major club event, the prom or a senior trip and are in jeopardy of being academically ineligible may create an academic plan with the event advisor and the Principal, or the Principal’s designee at least two weeks prior to the event to earn eligibility status.

              Academic Plan

              An academic plan is an agreement between the student and the Principal, or the Principal’s designee, which provides support toward academic success. The plan will be customized to meet the academic needs of the student. Successful completion of an academic plan will enable an at-risk student to attend the senior trip or prom.

              Additional Notes

                • All students are subject to this eligibility policy. Any student who is ruled ineligible will not be allowed to attend any after school extracurricular activities, as a participant or spectator.
                • All grades reported reflect the student’s current marking period average.
                • At the start of a new school year, final grades from the previous year will be used to determine a student’s status as “eligible” or “probationary” until the first grade pull in September. No student will begin a new year as “ineligible.”
                • The school’s code of conduct may override a student’s eligibility status. Any student on out of school suspension will not be allowed to participate in any school activity nor is he/she allowed on the school grounds. Any student who has served in-school suspension will not be allowed to participate in any extracurricular activities on that day. Other disciplinary infractions may result in the student not being allowed to play on sports teams, attend trips, or participate in school activities. Coaches are asked to monitor their team members and to provide homework time for students who are ineligible.
                • All decisions regarding student eligibility may be appealed to the Principal. The student must submit a written request for the appeal immediately after the eligibility check.
                • Students are encouraged to strive for academic excellence. To that end, students are responsible for monitoring their grades on Schooltool, speaking with teachers and guidance counselors to line up academic support when necessary, keeping track of their academic support logs, if they are on probation or ineligible, and attending academic support.
                • Lost Academic Support Logs will result in a student not being allowed to participate in activities.
                • This code does not apply to intra-curricular activities, which are part of a curriculum, such as field trips within an academic class. Ineligibility for intra-curricular activities will be determined by those teachers and administration.

              Physical Education

              Students who successfully complete physical education will be awarded 1/2 (one-half) credit per year. Students are required to earn a total of 2 (two) credits during their high school career and the credits are required for graduation. 

              Any student athlete that does not participate in physical education class (without a note) will not be eligible to practice or play in a team sport on that day. 


              Participation & Preparation = 80%

                • Effort
                • Sportsmanship
                • Behavior
                • Preparation
                • Attitude

              Skills, Fitness & Homework = 20%

                • Skills Tests
                • Quarterly Fitness Rubric
                • Fitness Challenge Worksheets
                • Written Assignments

              “Tutoring” Homebound Instruction

              Any student who is going to be hospitalized or absent due to illness for more than five (5) days should contact their guidance counselor to arrange for homebound instruction. A student who is on homebound instruction is not counted as absent. 

              Homebound instruction will be made available to students who are unable to attend school for an extended period of time due to medical. Secondary school students will receive instruction for two (2) hours per day. Arrangements will be made for instruction no later than five (5) school days after notification and official verification of need. Instruction will continue throughout the duration of the absence and may occur only on days that school is in session.

              In the event a student has a diagnosed chronic disease/illness that frequently causes them to be absent from school, medical documentation should be submitted to the Principal. A special liaison teacher will be assigned to tutor that student on the days they are too ill to come to school. It will be the parent’s responsibility to contact the liaison teacher in the morning on each day the child will be absent. Liaison teachers will only be assigned upon approval of the Principal.

              Homebound referrals will be accompanied by appropriate documentation from a licensed physician or psychologist. Upon receipt of an approved referral:


                • Consult with the Building Principal regarding the identification of a homebound instructor.
                • Contact teachers for initial assignments.
                • Arrange for a meeting between homebound instructor, parents, and appropriate school staff. 
                • Review the student’s current academic status.
                • Discuss prognosis for return to school and any limitations. 
                • Project required future assignments and tests. 
                • Outline procedures for communication and assignment transfer.
                • Create a tentative instructional schedule.
                • Facilitate communication between school staff and the homebound instructor.


                • Pick up all pertinent books and materials from the Guidance Office.
                • Maintain the agreed upon teaching schedule in cooperation with family.
                • Provide written weekly progress reports and consult with each subject teacher.
                • Submit a weekly time sheet, signed by the parent, to the Building Principal. 
                • Upon completion of instruction, provide a final progress report to the guidance office and each teacher
                • Return all books and materials to the guidance office.


                • Provide the homebound instructor with appropriate background information and expectations for the student and subject area.
                • Provide the homebound instructor with ongoing assignments and all necessary materials in a timely manner.
                • Grade and return all assignments and tests to the homebound instructor on a weekly basis.
                • Maintain an ongoing record of student performance and grades.
                • Contact guidance counselor with any concerns.

              THE PARENTS WILL:

                • Attend an initial planning meeting.
                • Be present or ensure that a legal adult is present during all home instruction sessions.
                • Provide an appropriate instructional location and environment.
                • Notify the homebound instructor twenty-four (24) hours in advance of changes in the instructional schedule.
                • Contact the guidance counselor with any concerns.

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              Behavior, Expectations, and Discipline

              Building-wide Expectations

              Our building-wide expectations are centered around four core principles that our Tri-Valley community deem as indispensable for the success of our students, our staff, and our community. By teaching these principles and adhering to them consistently, we believe that we all can maximize our potential and become the best version of ourselves. These four principles are: Community, Accountability, Respect, & Education.

              Code of Conduct

              The complete Code of Conduct is distributed to parent/guardians of all Tri-Valley students in the summer mailing. The Code of Conduct is also available here.

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              Daily School Procedures and Management

                1. ACTIVITIES: Tri-Valley Secondary School has a variety of co-curricular activities. Students are encouraged to participate in as many activities as their schedule permits (see also Co-curricular activities). The following is a list of activities that are available for students:
                  • National Honor Society
                  • Jr. National Honor Society
                  • Odyssey of the Mind
                  • Friends of Rachel (FOR)
                  • Student Council
                  • FCCLA
                  • Art Club
                  • FBLA & Jr. FBLA
                  • Theatre Club
                  • FFA & Jr. FFA
                  • Yearbook
                  • Moody’s Math Club
                  • Newspaper
                  • White Hat Club
                2. ASSEMBLIES: Assemblies are a part of the educational process at Tri-Valley Secondary School. Students are expected to show proper manners and consideration for others at all times. Misconduct including unnecessary talking, yelling, booing, or chanting is not permitted. We expect a high level of maturity and responsibility at all assemblies. Be courteous and polite. Book bags are prohibited at all assemblies. Students may not leave an assembly until they are formally dismissed. Once students are dismissed from the assembly, they are to report immediately to their assigned class.
                3. BATHROOMS: Student bathrooms are available throughout the building. Students in grades 9 – 12 are not permitted in the 7th and 8th grade area. Students may use the facilities in-between periods or during the period when given a pass from a teacher. Students are not permitted to use faculty bathrooms. Only one student is permitted a bathroom pass out of class. No more than one student at a time is permitted in a bathroom stall. More than one student in a stall will result in all violators being suspended from school.
                4. Change of Address, email or Telephone Number: Please inform the Registrar’s Office of any change of address, email or telephone number. Accurate contact information is essential for both normal and emergency communications with parents/guardians.
                5. Character Education: The Tri-Valley Secondary School works in partnership with parents and the community to maintain a learning and a working environment that supports positive student attitudes and the character development of its students. Character development will reflect and reinforce character and civic values such as honesty, integrity, responsibility, diligence, kindness, fairness and respect for others. Parents, students, and the school community will work together to teach, promote, and model ethical behavior. The Tri-Valley Secondary School will reflect and reinforce positive character traits that embody community values and promote principles of fairness and justice. Our mission for the school year regarding character education is as follows:
                  • to instill in our students the consciousness of the right thing to do; the commitment to
                  • do the right thing; and the competency in doing the right thing
                  • to assist students in understanding that they are responsible for their decisions and actions
                  • to focus on virtues and service learning which provide self-satisfaction and a sense of community through volunteerism.
                6. Chromebooks: students in grades 7-12 will be provided with a Chromebook for use during the academic year. Students are responsible for the care and safeguarding of their Chromebook. Please see the “Chromebook Procedures and Information Handbook” for further information.
                7. Dances/Dance Guidelines: Dances, including the Junior Prom, are considered a regular school activity and students must be academically eligible in order to attend. School dances are an important aspect of each student’s high school experience. It is our desire that all students attending school dances will have a safe and enjoyable time. Therefore, the following dance guidelines are necessary:
                  1. School dances are a high school activity and are subject to the Tri-Valley School District’s Code of Conduct Policy and Secondary School’s rules. 
                  2. Students who are asked to leave the dance may be excluded from future dances as part of their consequence.
                  3. Students who wish to invite non-Tri-Valley students must complete the Guest Authorization Release Form and have it approved by the Principal and/or Assistant Principal by 8 a.m. the Wednesday prior to the dance. The visitor must be enrolled in an area high school/middle school and in good standing. The Principal and/or the Assistant Principal will verify the guests’ standing. Students who have dropped out of school will not be permitted to attend the dance.
                  4. Once students leave a dance, they are not permitted to reenter.
                  5. Students in grades 7 & 8 are not permitted to attend the 9-12 grade dances or the Junior Prom.
                  6. Students in grades 9-12 are not permitted to attend dances for grades 7 & 8.
                  7. Approval to sponsor a dance must be obtained from the Principal.
                8. Driving Privileges and Parking Permits
                  1. All students are required to have a valid parking permit in order to park on the Secondary School campus during school hours. Students may only park in designated student areas. Each school year, students must reapply in order to drive to and park at the secondary school. A Parking Permit Application is available in the secondary school office. Student parking is allowed in the main lot off Moore Hill Road. The following areas are not to be used for student parking: Route 55 lot, designated visitor parking, designated handicapped parking, designated no parking zones, or any lawn area. Any student’s car found in these areas will be towed at the expense of the owner.
                  2. Permits will be given out in the following order to seniors first (Remaining spots available will be provided to juniors under the same conditions as outlined):
                    1.  Seniors who participate in everyday after school programs—sports team, yearbook, musical, drama.
                    2. Seniors who have jobs after school—employers must sign a letter indicating time of shift and number of school days required to work.
                    3. Seniors in good academic standing—passing all courses, no discipline referrals, 90% or better on time and attendance.
                    4. Parking permits will not be issued to students who have obligations—lost books, unreturned uniforms, fines.
                  3. The following procedures must be followed in order to receive and retain student driving privileges:
                    1. First and foremost, students must be academically eligible to drive a vehicle on campus. During the course of the school year, if a student becomes academically ineligible all driving privileges will be revoked. Driving privileges may be reinstated, at such time, when a student becomes academically eligible.
                    2. The student’s car must be registered with the tag displayed.
                    3. The student must park in the designated area.
                    4. Should a student change vehicles, the replacement vehicle must be registered.
                    5. A student’s parking tag may not be transferred to another student.
                    6. The student must arrive for school on time.
                    7. The student must drive safely and responsibly at all times—following the speed limits and driving rules of the road.
                    8. Students may not drive other students to or from school, unless it is a sibling.
                    9. Students will only be permitted to go to their car during the school day with a pass from the secondary school office.
                    10. Tri-Valley BOCES students who wish to drive to Sullivan County BOCES must obtain permission to do so and must also complete an application for a parking permit at the Career and Technical Office.
                9. ELECTRONIC DEVICES: Students are not permitted to use personal electronic devices, including cell phones during the school day with the following exceptions: students in grades 9-12 may use their cell phones in the cafeteria during lunch and when expressly permitted by the teacher for instructional purposes. The school day is defined as the time between 7:45 a.m. to 2:46 p.m. Other uses of cell phones/electronic devices are not permitted. Students in grades 7 and 8 are not permitted to have their cell phones at any time throughout the school day. Electronic devices should not be visible, other than as noted above, throughout the school day. It is highly recommended that students keep their electronic devices in their lockers. If electronic devices are out in plain sight, it will be determined that the student is using the device and in violation of expectations. The device will be confiscated and turned into the main office. For the first offense, students may pick up their device in the main office at the end of the school day. For the second and subsequent offenses, the parent/guardian will be contacted and the device will be held in the main office until the parent/guardian picks it up.
                10. ELEVATOR: The use of the elevator by students is prohibited unless the student has received permission from the main office or the nurse. Students who are injured and unable to use the stairs must report to the nurse or office for an elevator pass. Teachers may grant students permission to use the elevator when the student is transporting materials, A.V. equipment, lab supplies, etc. Students found using the elevator without permission will be referred to an administrator.
                11. FIRE/EVACUATION DRILLS: For safety, and the protection of the school, it is necessary that everyone strictly observe and abide by fire safety rules. Students are especially cautioned to exercise care in the use of flammable materials common to specific classes. Fire/evacuation drills are an important safety measure and are required by law. They are held to prepare students, faculty and staff for safe evacuation of the building in case of an actual fire. Your full cooperation is needed to make the drills as effective as possible. Fire drills are a necessary and serious action taken during the school year. Follow these rules carefully:
                  • Follow the directions to exit.
                  • Maintain silence during the entire drill which includes exiting and reentering the building
                  • Locate your class
                  • Stay with your class. If you are separated from your class, let the closest adult know where you are supposed to be.
                12. FORGERY: Forging of any signature or the making of any false entry or the alteration of any document used or intended to be used in connection with the operation of the school will be grounds for discipline.
                13. FUNDRAISING: Any class, club, team, or community group who wishes to raise money for school activities must complete a fundraising request form and submit it to the Secondary School Office. Prior to the commencement of the activity the Principal must approve all fundraising activities. This regulation applies to all school and community groups. Any fundraising without approval is strictly prohibited. Students cannot bring outside fundraising into the school without the Principal’s approval.
                14. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES: Hazardous substances such as fireworks, gas and other toxic materials are not allowed in school. Possession of such items will result in immediate suspension. If a student is caught possessing an illegal substance, police may be notified.
                15. IDENTIFICATION SECURITY CARDS: In the fall semester all students will be issued identification cards containing a bar code of their student number. All students are encouraged to carry school issued ID cards at all times and produce such cards when requested. New students to the secondary school will be issued student identification security cards as soon as possible. While in the secondary school, all students should:
                  • Carry their identification security card at all times.
                  • Show their identification security card to staff members upon request.
                  • Show their identification security cards when checking books out of the library since the barcode must be scanned into the computer to record the book.
                  • Present their identification security card to a cafeteria cashier to be scanned into the computer to record the lunch purchase.

                  Students will be provided one identification security card free of cost. If a student loses their identification card, there will be a five dollar replacement fee.

                16. KEYS: Students are never to be in possession of keys belonging to a faculty or staff member. Unauthorized possession of keys will result in immediate suspension.
                17. LIBRARY MEDIA CENTER
                  • Students will be respectful of the library’s atmosphere of quiet study.
                  • Students may check out two books at a time. If more than two books are required, the student must obtain permission from the librarian.
                  • Students with overdue library books will not be able to check out books until the overdue books are renewed, returned, or, if lost, replaced.
                  • The library staff will make copies of library materials for students conducting research. There is no charge for this service.
                18. LOCKERS: Every student is assigned a hall locker and a gym locker for their use at the beginning of the school year. Locker assignments are not to be changed without the permission of the administration. The school is not responsible for articles missing from the lockers. Do not leave valuables in your locker. If you have anything of value, bring it to the Secondary School Office for safe keeping. LOCKERS ARE TO BE LOCKED AT ALL TIMES. Students are encouraged not to share lockers with friends or give their combinations to anyone. Books and materials should be placed into and removed from lockers during scheduled student passing periods throughout the day. Students are not allowed to decorate, outside or inside, their lockers with any permanent material including stickers, markers, glue etc. BE AWARE THE SCHOOL DISTRICT RETAINS LOCKERS AS EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY AND HAS THE RIGHT TO SEARCH ANY AND ALL LOCKERS AS NECESSARY. Please see the district’s Code of Conduct for further information.
                19. LOST AND FOUND: Report all lost and found items of value and significance to the Assistant Principal or Principal’s office. Please provide a full description of the items in each case so that proper ownership can be established. Do not bring valuable items, large sums of money and/or jewelry to school.
                20. NO COAT AND JACKET PROCEDURE: Students are prohibited from wearing coats or jackets during the school day. Coats and Jackets worn to school will be placed in the student’s locker until dismissal.
                21. NO BOOK BAG/BACK PACK PROCEDURE: Students may not carry their book bags/backpacks with them during the day. All book bags/backpacks must be placed in the student’s locker and kept there until dismissal. Pocketbooks/purses are permitted as long as they are not large enough to carry a textbook.
                22. OPEN CONTAINER POLICY: Students are permitted to bring only clear containers of water into the classroom.
                23. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: During the Pledge of Allegiance and Salute to the Flag in homeroom, students are expected to:<
                  • Stand or remain seated in a respectful manner
                  • Keep silent other than saying the Pledge
                24. PUBLICATIONS: Students have the right to express their views in speech, writing, or through any other medium or form, limited solely by those restrictions imposed on all citizens generally and those specifically applicable to children and youths in a school setting.The school encourages student publications not only because they offer an educational activity through which students gain experience in reporting, writing, editing, and understanding responsible journalism, but also because they provide an opportunity for students to express their views and means of communicating both within and beyond the school community.All student publications must comply with the rules for responsible journalism. Libelous statements, unfounded charges and accusations, obscenity, false statements, materials advocating racial or religious prejudice, hatred, violence, the breaking of laws and school policies and/or regulations, or materials designed to disrupt the education process will not be permitted.Expressions of personal opinion must be clearly identified as such and must bear the name of the author. Opportunities for the expression of opinions differing from those of the student publishers must be provided.In addition, student newspapers and/or publications which are paid for by the school district and/or produced under the direction of a teacher as part of the school curriculum are not considered a public forum. In such cases, the Board of Education reserves the right to edit or delete such student speech which it feels is inconsistent with the district’s basic educational mission.
                25. Distribution of Literature: Students have a right to distribute literature on school grounds and in the school building provided such distribution does not interfere with or disrupt the educational process. No literature may be distributed unless a copy is submitted in advance to the Superintendent of Schools and the Principal.
                26. Student Records: Parents of students under 18, or a student 18 or older, have a right to inspect and review any and all official records, files, and data directly related to their children or themselves, including all material that is incorporated into each student’s cumulative record folder, and intended for school use or to be available to parties outside the school or school system, and specifically including, but not necessarily limited to, identifying data, academic work completed, level of achievement (grades, standardized achievement test scores), attendance data, scores on standardized intelligence, aptitude, and psychological tests, interest inventory results, health data, family background information, and verified reports of serious or recurrent behavior patterns. A parent should make the request for access to a student’s records to the guidance counselor. Arrangements to provide access to requested records will be made in a reasonable period of time.
                27. Release of Student Information: Board Policy 5500, “Student Records” addresses student records and the “family Educational Rights and Privacy Act” (FERPA). FERPA ensures confidentiality of student records and any information contained therein which is personally identifiable. It also states that such information may not be released or made available to persons other than parent/guardians (or only to the student if 18 years of age). The exceptions are specific and limited. One exception is provided for school officials, including teachers, who have a legitimate educational need for access to such records.”Military recruiters, upon their request, have the right to students’ directory information including name, address and phone number. Parents have the right to request the school not release this information to the military and must send that request in writing to the Guidance Office by September 15th. Student records may be released to the Department of Probation and to Courts of Law upon written request by the appropriate agency and/or as ordered in court documents or a subpoena. The school will not release educational records to any other source without the written consent of the parent or guardian.
                28. School Safety: The safety and security of our school building, faculty, staff and students is critical. The greatest means of achieving safety is by everyone, adults and students alike, following established policies and procedures. Individuals without authorization to be in the building, (individuals without a visible ID Card, Visitor pass or Temporary ID pass) should be reported to the office immediately. During the school day all students, parents and visitors must enter the building through the reception area located on the Moore Hill side of the building.
                29. Student Pick-up/Release from School: Students are expected to be in school for the full school day, however we recognize that at times there may be extenuating circumstances which require a student to leave early. For the safety of our students, a student will only be released to adults who have been given advance permission from parents/guardians to pick them up from school. Any adult coming into the building to pick up a student should be prepared to show identification. In such an extenuating circumstance, a student who drives to school will be released early, with appropriate permission from their parent/guardian, if it is deemed safe for the student to drive.
                30. Selling of Goods and Postings: Goods sold or signs posted on school grounds must have prior approval by the Principal in writing. All sales related to private profit-making are prohibited. Only signs and sales related to school organizations and with an approved calendar schedule may be allowed.
                31. Sports

                  • Cheerleading
                  • Cross Country
                  • Football
                  • Soccer
                  • Tennis (Girls)


                  • Basketball
                  • Cheerleading
                  • Indoor Track
                  • Alpine Skiing


                  • Baseball
                  • Golf
                  • Softball
                  • Track and Field

                  To participate in the Tri-Valley athletic program, all students must submit a signed copy of the Athletic Participation Form (APF) before the first day of practice. The APF must be approved and in the coach’s possession prior to participation. The APF may be obtained from the athletic director or the school nurse. See also extracurricular activities.

                32. Snow Days | Cancellation: In the event of weather related school closings, delayed openings, or early dismissals the following notifications will be provided:
                  • On the front page of this website
                  • By email to those who sign up for the News Subscription
                  • By phone to all parents that did not “opt out”
                  • On the district’s official Facebook page
                  • On Twitter @TVCSDTech

                  Alerts will also be broadcast on these radio stations:

                  • WJFF (90.5 FM)
                  • LITE FM (92.1 FM)
                  • WRRV (92.7/96.9 FM)
                  • COOL (92.9 FM)
                  • STAR (93.3 FM)
                  • WKXP (94.3 FM)
                  • WVOS (95.9 FM)
                  • KISS-FM (96.1/99.3 FM)
                  • WCZX MIX 97 (97.3/97.7 FM)
                  • WSUL (98.3 FM)
                  • WPDH (101.5/106.1 FM)
                  • WRWD (1370 AM and 107.3 FM)
                33. Sportsmanship: Exemplary behavior should be exhibited by all players and spectators at athletic events. We ask for parents to support this effort by emphasizing to your son or daughter what is expected of them at an athletic event. Such events are an extension of the school day, and we expect the same type of respectful behavior exhibited in the athletic arena as we do in the classroom. We urge you to ask your children to demonstrate self-control and self-discipline and to remind them of the disciplinary consequences which will occur if behavior is not acceptable.
                34. Student Council: The Student Council functions as an organizer for student activities, serves as a training ground for student leadership and cooperation, helps solve school problems and shares in the management of the school. Student Council officers are voted in each year from the junior and senior classes. Two representatives from each grade level are elected.
                35. Student Health: Students in grades 7 and 10 are mandated by New York State Law to have a physical examination. This law also requires all new students entering the district to have a physical examination. The examination should be completed between September and December. This examination can be completed by the student’s private physician or he/she can be examined by the school physician. If the student’s family physician completes the examination, a copy of the completed physical report should be mailed or brought to the school nurse prior to December 1.
                  1. Immunizations Required for School: New York State Law requires that children entering school/attending must have proof of immunizations per New York State Department of Health. Please contact the school nurse for further information and specifics.
                        1. three(3) or more doses of oral polio
                        2. three(3) or more does of diphtheria toxoid
                        3. measles, mumps, rubella vaccine after child’s first birthday
                        4. for kindergarten and college entrance two (2) doses of live measles vaccine are required after child’s first birthday
                        5. for students born after 1/1/93 three(3) doses of Hepatitis B are required
                        6. one dose of varicella (chicken pox vaccine) for all children born on or after 1/1/98, beginning with their enrollment in any kindergarten, elementary, intermediate or High school, and children born on or after 1/1/94 beginning with their enrollment in sixth grade
                    1. Medication: According to New York State Law, there is a procedure the school nurse must follow before any medication can be given during school hours. These legal requirements are as follows:
                          1. The school nurse must have a written order by the doctor stating: name of medication; reason for giving medication; dosage to be given; time medication should be given; and the number of days the medication should be given. Aspirin or Tylenol may not be administered without written permission of a physician.
                          2. Medication must have a professional label. Medication must be brought to school by an adult. Under no circumstances is a child to bring medication to school. Ask the bus driver to give it to the school nurse or please package and label the medication as mentioned above. Do not send any over-the-counter medication with students, particularly younger children. Although most children are responsible, there is always a chance for consumption by another child.
                          3. The parent must submit a written request to the school nurse to give the medication.
                          4. If you have any questions regarding the medication, contact the school nurse.
                          5. If your child is taking medication that may affect school learning or behavior, please notify the school nurse.
                          6. Indicate if your child has any allergic reaction to medication, bee or wasp stings, or food. This can be noted on the information sheet or by calling the nurse’s office. If need be, medication may be brought into school for allergic reactions.
                36. Study Hall Procedures
                      1. Students will be assigned seats and students must stay in their assigned seats.
                      2. Do not distract others, study halls are for studying. Students may study or read quietly.
                      3. Students may not go to their locker during the study hall. Students must come to the study hall prepared.
                      4. Students may be sent to the library with a written pass from the study hall teacher. They must go directly to the library and sign in once they arrive at the library. Students are not allowed to leave the library without the permission from the librarian and they must have a written pass from the librarian to return to study hall.
                      5. You may be excused from study hall to go to another teacher only if you have a pass from that teacher prior to your arrival to study hall: plan ahead.
                      6. Students who are on the ineligible list will not be allowed to leave study hall except for bathroom emergencies.
                      7. Only one student at a time will be allowed to leave the study halls to use the bathroom. The request to leave should be on an emergency basis.
                      8. Any student leaving study hall should have a completed, written pass.
                      9. Seniors must go to study hall, wait for the teacher to take attendance, and then they may sign out to the library only. (Only eligible seniors may leave study hall.) 
                37. Taping and Digital Recordings: Any student, staff member, visitor, or guest, who wishes to tape or video-record a lesson, lecture, talk, demonstration, or any other experience at Tri-Valley School, must secure permission from the Principal prior to the use of any electronic or photographic equipment. Students who engage in unauthorized recording will be subject to discipline.
                38. Telephone Calls: Students are not permitted out of class to use the telephones. Office phones are not for personal use; they are to be used for emergencies only. Any student using a phone without permission will be subject to disciplinary action. Secondary school age students should not be receiving phone calls from relatives, friends, or work etc., during the school day. Phone messages will be given to students on an emergency basis only.
                39. Vehicle/Bus Law: New York State Law prohibits passing a school bus when it’s stopped on the road and their red lights are flashing; this even includes divided highways. Vehicles proceeding in either direction must stop. Passing a stopped school bus while that school bus is on school property with their red lights flashing is a violation under the Vehicle and Traffic Law in New York State.
                40. Working Papers: Working papers are obtained in the Guidance Office for students ages 14-17. An application, with a parent signature, must be submitted to the guidance office. Please allow twenty-four hours for completion. A school physical may be used for working papers. Check with the nurse, if necessary, for assistance on the Medical Report Form.

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